Team development done


Research* shows that when people can use their strengths at work, they are:

If your team isn’t applying their individual strengths to the work you’re doing together, you’re all missing out on a winning edge.

My workshops are never boring. I don’t talk at you. Whatever the topic, you’ll learn by doing & build team engagement in the process.

I offer workshops on a bunch of topics including strengths basics, assertive communication, effective meetings, managing for performance and succession planning. I also tailor & deliver sessions based on your specific needs.

I make sure serious skill-building can also be a lot of fun.

There’ll be plenty of interaction and even Lego. Yep… LEGO!

Meeting face-to-face offers an especially dynamic experience, but if that’s too tricky, let’s talk about online delivery.

If the idea of team workshops or planning sessions gives you the yawns, you’ve come to the right place for a different experience.

*(Gallup, 2024)

Strengths Coaching gave me a new level of insight into my leadership style and how to continually hone my skills to maximise my understanding and use of the Clifton Strengths. Nicole’s guidance and direction enabled me to support each member of my team to develop their strengths and collaborate to create an authentic team approach to our daily work and our professional goals.”

— Glenys, Head Teacher

Some workshop topics to get you thinking…

(ask me about more options)

Strengths basics

Discover your team’s strengths and use them to strive for shared goals

Building trust in teams

Build a culture of growth mindset and accountability. Learn strategies and systems that support success.

Confidently have tough conversations

Tackle the challenges getting in the way of team performance with courageous conversations.

Get a skills boost for your team


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